A "Mystery" Radio from Sears/Silvertone
For many months, I've been trying to solve the puzzle of a "mystery" radio from Sears. I've found a few bits of information, but have now reached a deadend. Assistance from A.R.C. and your readers would be much appreciated.
To make a long story very short....
About three years ago, I purchased a large tombstone radio with no name or logo on the cabinet or dial. The set has five bands (LW, BC, and three SWs), and 12 tubes. Several of the tubes are marked "Silvertone." A front view of the radio is shown in Figure 1.
On the chassis, there is a metal ID plate marked "Sears International," as shown in Figure 2. A space on the ID plate for a model number is blank. While searching the Rider's manuals, I found an apparent match to the chassis in the "Sears" section, Volume IX, pages 9-4, 9-5, and 9-6. The service data refers to Model 802/812. I assume that the two numbers refer to different cabinet styles. The schematic is dated 1937.
In searching several reference books, I have not found any mention of these model numbers. I suspect that this set was produced for export only, but I have not been able to confirm this theory. I have contacted several collectors who have extensive experience with Sears Silvertone radios, but no one has ever seen (or heard of) a set from "Sears International."
I would very much like to confirm the model number of my radio and its intended market. Was it produced for export? Who made it for Sears? Did Sears publish any literature/catalogs for export merchandise?
(Art Lebermann, W6REQ, 3124 La Campania, Alameda, CA 94502)
Figure 1. A front view of the Silvertone "Mystery Radio."
Figure 2. The Silvertone "Mystery Radio" presents a difficult problem because its nameplate lacks information regarding a model number, as well as operating voltages.