Antique Radio Classified

A.R.C.--The International Publication For Buyers And Sellers

Of Vintage Electronics, Radios, And Related Items--Published Monthly

Antique Radio Classified F.A.Q.

F.A.Q. -- ABOUT A.R.C.

  1. What is Antique Radio Classified?
  2. What can I find on the A.R.C. website?
  3. How do I contact A.R.C.?

1. What is Antique Radio Classified?

A.R.C. is antique radio's largest circulation monthly magazine, with nearly 3000 print subscribers. Subscribers receive 12 monthly online issues of Antique Radio Classified. Monthly issues of A.R.C. run approximately 50+ pages and include ads for parts and services, classified ads, auction prices, radio photos, meet and flea market calendar, and articles on radios, repairing old radios, radio history and related topics. A.R.C. covers not only old radio, but also TV, telegraph, amateur/ham radio, high fidelity/hi-fi, and audio. We're your link to the world of antique radio collecting and its activities.

A.R.C. is published for people involved in the radio collecting hobby. Its purpose is to stimulate growth of the hobby through the buying, selling and trading of radios and related items, and to provide a monthly forum for the interchange of ideas and information.

2. What can I find on the A.R.C. website?

Each month our free website is updated to showcase a selection of articles and the cover photo from the current month's print issue. Also updated monthly are links to old radio-related websites, club listing, and upcoming club events. You can also visit our searchable auction price database, archive of past articles, radio photo gallery, and past book reviews. Plus, you can subscribe to A.R.C., renew your subscription, or buy books and DVD's related to collecting old radios any time through our secure ordering area.

3. How do I contact A.R.C.?

Contact A.R.C. at: PO Box 1558, Port Washington, NY 11050. Tel: (516) 883-0505. E-mail: arc@antiqueradio.com.


  1. How can I subscribe?
  2. What are your subscription rates?

1. How can I subscribe?

Click here to subscribe. You also can subscribe by e-mail, fax, telephone, or mail. Please give us your name, mailing address, telephone number, and payment information. You will receive your ID and PASSWORD by E-mail.

2. What are your subscription rates?

U.S. rates are as follows:

Web Only Subscription:

One year --$30.00


  1. How do I place an order?
  2. How can I pay?
  3. I live outside of the U.S., how can I pay?
  4. Will you bill me?
  5. How can I purchase back issues?
  6. How can I purchase books?
  7. How will you ship my book order?
  8. I live outside the U.S., how will you ship my book order?

1. How do I place an order?

You can place an order by E-Mail, telephone, mail, or through our website. Contact A.R.C. at: PO Box 1558, Port Washington, NY 11050. Tel: (516) 883-0505. E-mail: arc@antiqueradio.com.

2. How can I pay?

A.R.C. accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, PayPal, cash, money orders, and checks in U.S. funds.

3. I live outside of the U.S., how can I pay?

All prices are in U.S. dollars.

All orders for subscriptions, books and other items must be PRE-PAID. We do not bill.

Please Pay By:

  • Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, or PayPal. Include name on card, card number and expiration date.
  • Check on a U.S. bank in U.S. dollars.
  • Check on a Canadian bank in U.S. dollars. You must have permission from your bank to write your checks in U.S. dollars. (Add $1.00 U.S. for our processing costs)
  • Postal Money Order in U.S. dollars.

4. Will you bill me?

All orders for subscriptions, books and other items must be PRE-PAID. We do not bill.

5. How can I purchase back issues?

Back issues are $5 ppd. in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico; and $8 ppd. elsewhere in the world. Prices are in U.S. dollars. You can order back issues through our website, telephone, and mail.

6. How can I purchase books?

You can purchase books through our website, mail, and over the telephone. Our book list is located in each issue of A.R.C. and is on our website.

7. How will you ship my book order?

Book orders are shipped U.S.P.S. Media Rate. It can take 1-2 weeks to receive your book order. If you would like your order shipped priority mail, contact us for a shipping quote.

8. I live outside the U.S., how will you ship my book order?

Book Orders will be sent Airmail. Contact us BEFORE placing your order to get quote for postage..


  1. What is A.R.C.'s advertising policy?
  2. How do I send in my classified ad?
  3. When is the deadline for classified ads?
  4. How do I count words in my classified ad?
  5. What does it cost to run a classified ad?
  6. How do I pay for an ad sent e-mail or faxed?
  7. Can I stop or change a classified ad after I have submitted it to A.R.C.?
  8. How long can my classified ad run?
  9. Can I send in my ad in advance?
  10. Can I send a photo or drawing with my ad?
  11. What if I don't see my ad in the issue in which I thought it would appear?
  12. What do I do if a deal goes wrong?

1. What is A.R.C.'s advertising policy?

Advertising is accepted only for early items related to radio, communication, etc. All items must be described fairly; reproductions, reprints, and not-original items must be so identified. Advertisers must agree to respond promptly to inquiries and orders, to resolve problems promptly if the buyer is not satisfied, and to comply with a buyer's refund request on unaltered returned items.

The publisher reserves the right to edit ads without notification to the advertiser and to reject ads for any reason. Names other than the advertiser will be edited out of ads. Ads with non-radio-related items will be returned or edited unless the non-radio-related items are for trade of radio-related items, or they are incidental to and appear at the end of an otherwise acceptable ad. The publisher is not responsible for errors due to illegibly written ads or for any other reason.

2. How do I send in my classified ad?

You can send your ad by E-mail and website. Sorry, we don't take classified ads over the phone.

3. When is the deadline for classified ads ?

Classified ads must be received at A.R.C. by Noon Eastern time on the 10th of the month to appear in the following month's issue. For example, if we receive your ad by May 10th, it will appear in the June issue. Late ads are held for the following issue.

4. How do I count words in my classified ad?

The standard headings-WANTED, FOR SALE, etc.-count as one word each time used in the ad. Name, address, and 1 telephone number count as 6 words, regardless of length. Ham call letters and business name can be included in the 6 words and do not count extra. Full name (or company name) and address is required in all classified ads. Each additional word, abbreviation, model number, or number group, extra telephone numbers, fax, e-mail address, etc. count as one word each. Hyphenated words count as two words.

5. What does it cost to run a classified ad?

Subscribers: First 50 words are free; 10c/word for extra words over 50. Subscribers may take 50 free words on only one ad each month. Free words cannot be accumulated from month to month.

Non-Subscribers: 30c/word.

6. How do I pay for an ad sent e-mail or faxed?

Include payment with your ad.

7. Can I stop or change a classified ad after I have submitted it to A.R.C.?

Please check your ads carefully before sending them in. Once ads are received, it is not always possible to refund the amount sent, pull the ad, or make changes.

Ads are typeset on a page for printing on the day they are received. Once a page is typeset, if we pull or change one ad, we must place another ad of the same size in its place. When changes are made, the ad becomes either larger or smaller and no longer fits on the page. These changes are time-consuming and therefore costly.

An additional problem arises from the demands of our monthly schedule. Since about one-half of the ads are received in the five to ten days before the 10th of the month deadline, and we have only a few days after that to meet our printing and mailing schedules, there is almost no time to accommodate requests for changes.

8. How long can my classified ad run?

There is no time limit.

9. Can I send in my ad in advance?

Classified ads may be sent in for several months in advance.

10. Can I send a photo or drawing with my ad?

You may include one photograph with a classified ad at no extra charge.

11. What if I don't see my ad in the issue in which I thought it would appear?

Contact A.R.C. after carefully looking through the issue. Tell us when you submitted the ad, the type of ad (For Sale, Wanted), your name, and a brief description of the ad contents. We will either locate the ad in the issue, or tell you what issue in which it will appear in the case of a late ad submittal.

12. What do I do if a deal goes wrong?

A.R.C. is not responsible for any buying and selling transactions incurred. However, when placing an ad advertisers agree to respond promptly to inquiries and orders, to resolve problems promptly if the buyer is not satisfied, and to comply with a buyer's refund request on unaltered returned items.

If you have a problem with a buyer or seller, send us as much detail as possible in writing. A.R.C. will contact you after we receive your complaint.


  1. How do I place a display ad?
  2. What is the deadline for display ads?
  3. What are the display ad rates?
  4. What size should my ad be?
  5. Can I e-mail my artwork?

1. How do I place a display ad?

Display ads are larger and more attention getting than classified ads and are charged by the space, not per word like classified ads.

The artwork should be submitted as a pdf or jpg file.

2. What is the deadline for display ads?

The deadline is the first of the month to appear in the following month's issue. For example, if we receive your display ad on May 1st, it will appear in the June issue. Late ads will be run only if space and time permits.

3. What are the display ad rates?

Full Page Ad: $289/1 month; $769/3 months; $1,329/6 months; $2,325/12 months; $69/1-time charge to make up ad.

1/2 Page Ad: $146/1 month; $389/3 months; $675/6 months; $1,175/12 months; $37/1-time charge to make up ad.

1/4 Page Ad: $74/1 month; $197/3 months; $342/6 months; $595/12 months; $19/1-time charge to make up ad.

1/8 Page Ad: $38/1 month; $101/3 months; $177/6 months; $305/12 months; $19/1-time charge to make up ad.

Business Card Ad (first per advertiser): 1 month not available; $53/3 months; $90/6 months; $159/12 months; $7/1-time charge to make up ad.

Business Card Ad (second per advertiser, etc.): 1 month not available; $68/3 months; $118/6 months; $205/12 months; $7/1-time charge to make up ad.

The 3-month rates represent about an 11% discount, the 6-month rates 23%, the 12-month rates 30%. Placement requests: add 15% but call first. Clubs: 10% discount.

4. What size should my ad be?

Ad sizes are as follows.

  • Full Page Ad: 7 3/4" H x 4 3/4" W
  • 1/2 Page Ad-Horizontal: 3 5/16" H x 4 3/4" W
  • 1/2 Page Ad-Vertical: 7 3/4" H x 2 1/4" W
  • 1/4 Page Ad: 3 5/16" H x 2 1/4" W
  • 1/8 Page Ad: 1 5/8" H x 2 1/4" W
  • Business Card Ad: 2" H x 3 3/4" W

5. Can I e-mail my artwork?

Yes. We prefer PDFs or JPEGS. High resolution and exact sizes work best.



  1. Is there a radio club in my area?
  2. Is there a radio meet in my area?
  3. My radio club is having a meet, how do I get it listed in A.R.C.'s Coming Radio Events section?
  4. My club is having a meet, can A.R.C. provide us with a small number of samples and subscription flyers to put on display?
  5. My club is having a meet, can we have a copy of the A.R.C. mailing list in our area?
  6. Does A.R.C. want a report on the auction held by my club?
  7. Does A.R.C. want information about my club?

1. Is there a radio club in my area?

A.R.C. publishes a club information listing almost every month in our magazine as space permits. It is also listed on our website at http://www.antiqueradio.com/clublist.html.

2. Is there a radio meet in my area?

A.R.C. publishes a coming radio events listing each month in our magazine. It is also listed on our website http://www.antiqueradio.com/radioevents.html.

3. My radio club is having a meet, how do I get it listed in A.R.C.'s Coming Radio Events section?

All listings on the Coming Radio Events page are free for old radio clubs/museums/non-profit events, and are printed as space permits. Events such as auctions held by other organizations are obtained from advertisements placed elsewhere in A.R.C. Since listings are on a "space available" basis, no guarantee of listing is made.

* Placing A.R.C. on your mailing and newsletter lists is a good idea.

Although we can get event information from club newsletters, a separate notice or release helps insure that the info is not missed. (Newsletters very often arrive after our deadline.)

Please send information by the fifth of the month prior to the month of the event (For example: We need information by May 5th for a meet in June or early July so that we can print the announcement in the June issue which is mailed in late May).

All events are usually listed in the issue of the month in which the event occurs. Multi-day events are usually listed for two or more months in advance, since they often require more planning by attendees, such as travel and lodging reservations.

Please include at minimum: sponsor, title of activity, date, time, events scheduled with times, address/location of meet, directions to meet, and address and phone number of a contact person.

4. My club is having a meet, can A.R.C. provide us with subscription flyers to put on display?

A.R.C. will furnish a reasonable number of subscription flyers.

5. My club is having a meet, can we have a copy of the A.R.C. mailing list in our area?

A.R.C. does not make available its print mailing list or E-mail list.

6. Does A.R.C. want a report on the auction held by my club?

Yes. Although we do not usually include articles in A.R.C. solely about meets, we are anxious to print information of interest to our readers, such as auction results, photographs of contest entries, flea markets, etc. If you forward information of this type to us ASAP after the meet, there is an excellent chance that an article on your event could be printed in A.R.C. Information accompanied by photos and a well-written article & photo captions make our job easier.

7. Does A.R.C. want information about my club?

A.R.C. publishes a club information listing almost every month in the magazine. It is also listed on our website. Please keep us current with your club name, contact person, address, publication names and frequency, activities/meets regularly held and dues amounts.

We invite you to submit a 1-page article on your club. Include the history of your organization, major activities and events, unique features of your club (such as associated museums, etc.), club officers, publication information, dues, membership and information contact person, etc.


  1. Do you have an index of articles?
  2. Do you have writing guidelines?

1. Do you have an index of articles?

Indexes are available in the following back issues of A.R.C.: the March 1991 issue contains an index of 1984-1990; March 1992 contains an index of 1991; March 1993 contains an index of 1992; March 1994 contains an index of 1993; and March 1995 contains an index of 1994. The index will soon be online.

2. Do you have writing guidelines?

Thank you for your interest in writing an article for publication in Antique Radio Classified. Because of the volume of material contributed by our readers, we do not compensate authors for articles or reviews. But at the end of your article we include a biographical sketch, including your collecting interests and contact information.

A. Length -- optional. A typical one-page article with a picture may range from 200 to 300 words. Most of our articles are two to four pages in length. If the article is very long, we may serialize it.

B. Outline before you write in order to develop the topic in logical steps.

C. E-mail your article with any photograph attachments to us at arc@antiqueradio.com.

D. Focus on a single topic. Be specific and concise.

E. Write to a general audience. Among our readers are new collectors who may know nothing about your topic. In your first paragraphs, give enough background material to instruct these readers.

F. Please double-check dates, technical information, etc. We rely on you for accuracy.

G. Refer to your pictures and diagrams by figure number in your text.

H. Photographs should be in a jpg format.

I. A completed article should include the following:

  • photographs and diagrams
  • credits for pictures, diagrams, etc.
  • a list of your references, including author, publication, place and year of publication, and publisher
  • a brief, radio-related, biographical sketch, including your collecting interests
We assume that this article was submitted exclusively to A.R.C. and not to any other publication. Please indicate in writing that this is, in fact, the case, and that it is agreeable to you that A.R.C. have first publication and reprint rights.

Because of the variety in the submissions we receive, we know that there are bound to be exceptions to each of the above guidelines. Please check with us before you begin a large project, and call if you have questions. We will be happy to help.


  1. How do I contact A.R.C.?
  2. Will you link to my website?
  3. Can you tell me what my radio is worth?

1. How do I contact A.R.C.?

Contact A.R.C. at: PO Box 1558, Port Washington, NY 11050. Tel: (516) 883-0505. E-mail: arc@antiqueradio.com.

2. Will you link to my website?

We will link to your web site if you have one and if it is appropriately antique-radio related. We would appreciate a reciprocal link to our site as well. Send us the URL and a brief description of your site via E-mail.

3. Can you tell me what my radio is worth?

We are often asked what a particular radio is worth. A radio's value depends on many factors including condition, model number, color, rarity, desirability, age, etc. When time permits we will try to help you determine the value of a radio.


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Copyright © 2025 Vintage Radio Publishing LLC
Last revised: February 13, 2025

Antique Radio Classified
P.O. Box 1558, Port Washington, NY 11050
TEL: (516) 883-0505