Zenith 6D030-W
Web Edition
You may like wood, instead of plastic, or vice versa. But, as Richard Arnold points out, you could have both in two Zeniths that are different but similar. (Editor)
I found this 1949 Zenith 6D030 recently in an antique store here in Ardmore, Oklahoma. It looks a lot like the 1946 Zenith 6D015 as seen in my September 1999 article in Antique Radio Classified. Figures 1 and 2 show the two Zenith models.
Even though the family resemblance is evident, there are some differences. The 6D030 is made of wood, not plastic like the 6D015. In addition, the 6D030 has no handle; however, it does have the same gold-tone decorative strip with the red circle on/off indicator light.
My new set is a little larger than the 6D015. It measures 131/2" x 71/2" x 6" at the base.
Both sets have a 6-tube chassis. The following tubes are used in the 6D030: a 12SJ7 RF, a 12SQ7 detector/1st audio, a 12BA6 IF, a 12BE6 converter, a 35Z5 rectifier, and finally, a 35L6 audio output. The 12BE6 replaces the 12SA7 found in the 6D015 chassis.
The grille cloth looks as if it was originally a dark brown multi-colored burlap type material. However, over the years, it has lightened up quite a bit and is now a gold and tan color.
As indicated by the "W" in the model number, the set was originally painted white. I had to strip off what was left of the paint and repaint it.
The 6D030 is a standard broadcast band AC/DC that works very well. It has a loop antenna and is very selective.
I know that this radio is probably no big deal. But, the reason I decided to write this article was simply to inform you readers that there was a wooden Zenith out there that looked like the plastic 6D015. It surprised me when I first saw it.
(Richard Arnold, PO Box 275, Lone Grove, Oklahoma 73443)
Figures 1 and 2. Left: The 1949 Zenith 6D030 housed in a wood cabinet. Note its similarity to the Model 6D015, right, housed in a plastic cabinet, as shown in the September 1999 A.R.C. |
The RCA 8X-541
Web Edition
Not every collector has a wife who searches even while she's on vacation. Richard Arnold is a lucky man. Here he gives her find, a seemingly ordinary radio, a little special attention. (Editor)
The RCA 8X-541, shown in Figure 1, isn't a radio so spectacular that it grabs your attention. However, I think it is a pretty good radio and needs to be given a little attention -- even put into the spotlight.
I have this set sitting on a desk in my radio room. I listen to it every day, mostly to Rush Limbaugh and Legend 77 (KAAM, 96.7 MHz) in Dallas, Texas -- terrific music.
The 8X-541 was made in 1949, over 50 years ago, and it is still giving excellent service. Just think of the history of the last half century that has come through that old speaker!
My wife was on vacation in Galveston, Texas, last year and was looking for radios for me. She purchased this 8X-541. I wasn't all that thrilled when she got home with it, but I politely thanked her and put the set into my collection. I thought I could use it for a possible future trade, or something.
However, after looking it over and playing it, I have to admit that she picked a good one -- extra clean, no cracks, and it plays beautifully. I lives up to its advertising as having "acoustical balance that produces the Golden Throat tone." It also has its back cover, and all the papers attached to the bottom of the set are in excellent condition.
The chassis is mounted on its side, as shown in Figure 2. The five tubes are easily acessible. A 12SA7, a 12SK7, and a 12SQ7 are all metal tubes. A 50L6GT and a 35Z5GT finish the lineup.
One large 311/16" tuning dial, in the center of the cabinet tunes the broadcast band. A smaller knob on the right side bottom of the set is the on/off and volume control. The set is an AC/DC with a loop antenna, and it is very selective. The maroon plastic cabinet has a decorative pointer/top strip, which is made of brass.
As far as I know, there are three other models with the same cabinet design, only in different colors. The 8X-542 is ivory, the 8X-545 is probably brown and the 8X-547 is white. They are all standard broadcast, 5-tube AC/DC sets.
Bunis' Collector's Guide to Antique Radios, Fourth Edition, has the 8X-541 listed at between $25 to $35, well worth that, and as far as I'm concerned, maybe even a little more.
Bunis, Marty and Sue. Collector's Guide to Antique Radios, Fourth Edition. Paducah, Ky.: Collector Books, 1997.
(Richard Arnold, PO Box 275, Lone Grove, Oklahoma 73443)
Richard Arnold, a frequent contributor to A.R.C., has been collecting radios since 1985. Primarily interested in cathedrals and 1920s battery sets, his collection ranges from crystal sets to a 1928 American Bosch in a Pooley cabinet. The 1932 JB Peter Pan featured in the June 1991 A.R.C. is his prize.

Figure 1. The RCA 8X-541 is a 5-tube AC/DC set with a loop antenna housed in a plastic cabinet.

Figure 1. The RCA 8X-541 is a 5-tube AC/DC set with a loop antenna housed in a plastic cabinet.