New Publisher for Antique Radio Classified
 New publisher Jon Kummer, left, is congratulated by retiring publisher, John Terrey, right. |
John V. Terrey
I am very pleased to announce that as of November 22, 2010, the new Publisher/Editor of Antique Radio Classified will be Jon Kummer of Port Washington, Long Island, New York. I have known Jon for many years as both a collector and as one involved in the publishing business. I feel comfortable about A.R.C.'s future, knowing that Jon Kummer will pick up where I am leaving off.
Subscribers, Antique Radio Classified is yours! You are the source of the classified ads (the backbone of this publication), the articles (essentially all articles come from you), and you furnish the necessary financial support through your subscriptions and advertising. Your continued participation in these ways will guarantee Jon Kummer's success in the days, months, and years ahead!
Happy Collecting!
John V. Terrey, Retiring Publisher/Editor
Jon Kummer
I would like to introduce myself as the new publisher of Antique Radio Classified magazine. Some of you may have met me in the past, but I'm probably unknown to most of our readers. However, we do share something in common -- our fascination with vintage and antique electronics, radios, televisions, test equipment, and audio equipment -- anything with tubes (and sometimes transistors).
Like many of you, I have worked with electronics since I was very young (for me it was age 10), and now I'm 55. I was licensed as a Ham in 1970 (don't hold it against me) and have been involved with vintage and antique equipment for about 25 years.
I learned about the possible sale of A.R.C. four months ago, but I have known John Terrey for almost 20 years. Most of my adult career has been in the magazine publishing industry, and I first met John when selling advertising space for Modern Electronics magazine.
Over the years, I've worked on the sales and marketing side of many high tech business magazines, such as Electronic Engineering Times, Electronic Buyers' News, Electronic Servicing & Technology, and Microwaves & RF. I have also worked on enthusiast magazines like Modern Electronics, Popular Communications, and CQ Amateur Radio. Presently, I work half-time for WorldRadio Online magazine.
Some of these names you may know, but a number of them no longer exist. I didn't want A.R.C. to join the "no longer exist" list. My combination of publishing industry experience and knowledge of vintage electronics will make me a good candidate to "run" A.R.C.
When I say "run" the magazine, it really means to carry on a tradition. Like a family heirloom, it will be passed on from generation to generation. I hope to do as good a job as John Terrey.
Will there be some changes? Yes and no. Yes, the Internet has changed print media. On the other hand, the magazines that have embraced websites can survive and actually grow stronger.
These are some of the enhancements I'm working on:
- Back to monthly issues.
- Classified ad deadline returns to the 10th of the month.
- Color photographs and advertising in the magazine.
- Expanded magazine topics to include not just vintage radios, but also more articles on television, test equipment, audio, etc.
- More exposure at club meets.
- An updated website with new features.
- An easier reading website version of the online magazine.
I will need everyone's help to achieve a healthy and independent magazine. If you have an idea for an article, let me know. If you have suggestions, I will listen, but can't guarantee that everything I hear will be incorporated into the magazine. Though A.R.C. serves an enthusiast market, I still have to pay the printer, post office, editors, production people, rent, telephone, etc. A.R.C. must remain profitable.
New Address. Starting on November 22, 2010, the publication offices will be relocated to Long Island, New York. The new address is: P.O. Box 1558, Port Washingon, NY 11050, and the toll free number remains as (866) 371-0512.
But, before we move on to the future, we all need to thank John Terrey! As I said earlier, between the Internet and today's economy, many magazines have gone out of business. Yet, John Terrey's vision and business sense kept the magazine vibrant. I urge everyone reading this to send John a note of thanks for his 24 years of stewardship. Send him a postcard, letter, or e-mail, or give him a telephone call to thank him for keeping A.R.C. the Number One publication serving our community.
Please join me in making the future of ARC strong and healthy.
I wish everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year!
Jon Kummer, New Publisher/Editor