Antique Radio Classified
A.R.C.-The International Publication For Buyers And Sellers
Of Vintage Electronics, Radios, And Related Items


From Antique Radio Classified
(Copyright 2025 by Vintage Radio Publishing LLC.)

CLUBS: Send antique radio club and meet information to A.R.C. for free listing here, as space permits. Sorry, we don't have room for hamfests.



Alabama Historical Radio Society (AHRS). PO Box 131418, Birmingham, AL 35213. Pub: The Superflex, monthly. Dues: $25. Meetings: every Saturday & Tuesday mornings plus the 4th Monday evening of each month but December. Annual show/swap meet. Don Kresge Radio Museum, Lobby of the Alabama Power Bldg., 600 North 18th Street, Birmingham, AL 35203. Contact Steven Westbrook (205) 305-0679. Club web site: www.alabamahistoricalradiosociety.org

Antique Radio Club of Illinois (ARCI). PO Box 1139, LaGrange Park, IL 60526. Art Bilski (630) 739-1060. Pubs: ARCI News, monthly and ARCI Update, periodically. Dues $20. Annual August Radiofest and bimonthly swap meets. Web site: www.antique-radios.org. E-Mail: clubinfo@antique-radios.org

Antique Radio Club of Schenectady. Louis DeGonzague, 15 Gail Ln., Latham, NY 12110. (518) 391-9239. E-mail: zenith6@verizon.net. Dues: $3. Meets the 4th Sunday of each month at The MiSci Museum in Schenectady, NY. Check out their group on Facebook.

Antique Radio Collectors & Historians (ARCH) of Greater St. Louis. Joe Tauser, joe@jtauser.com. Dues: $15. Monthly newsletter and meetings, annual picnic/swap meet. Web site: www.archradioclub.org.

Antique Wireless Association (AWA). PO Box 421, Bloomfield, NY 14469. Pub: Pub: The AWA Journal, quarterly. Dues: $35 (USA), $40 (elsewhere). National annual conference and regional meets. Museum. www.antiquewireless.org.

Arizona Antique Radio Club (AZARC). PO Box 6492, Glendale, AZ 85312. Pub: The Arizona Antique Radio Club News, quarterly. Dues: $20. Meetings, swap meets, Arizona Radio Roundup.www.azantiqueradioclub.org. Email: azarcmail@gmail.com.

California Historical Radio Society (CHRS). Bay Area Radio Museum (BARM) & Radio Hall of Fame (BARHOF) and the Society of Wireless Pioneers (SOWP). CHRS Radio Central, 2152 Central Ave., Alameda, CA 94501. (415) 203-2747. Steve Kushman, President, Steve@chrsradio.com. Pubs: CHRS Journal twice a year, Behind the Front Panel, Bay Area Radio, "Listening In" weekly email newsletter. Dues: $30. www.californiahistoricalradio.com

CHRS/Sacramento Chapter. Monthly meetings, Dale Tucker, chairman daletucker@surewest.net.

CHRS/Central Valley Chapter. Monthly meetings, Eddie Enrique fantomradio@sbcglobal.net, www.cvantiqueradio.com.

Carolinas Chapter/AWA (CC-AWA). Ron Lawrence, PO Box 3015, Matthews, NC 28106. Pub: Radio Daze, quarterly. Dues: $10. Quarterly swapmeets. Web site:https://cc-awa.club.

Central Ohio Antique Radio Association (COARA). Contact Dave Poland (614) 890-5422 or Barry Gould (614) 442-1518. Meetings held alternate months in February, April, June, August, October, and December. Spring & Fall tailgate meets. Annual dues: $12. Check out their group on Facebook.

Cincinnati Antique Radio Society (CARS). Meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Web site: www.cincinnati-antique-radio.org. E-mail: info@cincinnati-antique-radio.org. Contact: Bob Sands (513) 858-1755 E-mail: oltubes@roadrunner.com. Check out their group on Facebook

Colorado Radio Collectors (CRC). David Boyle, 1058 Colt Cir., Castle Rock, CO 80109. (303) 681-3258. Newsletter "The Flash", bimonthly starting in Jan. Dues: $20. Annual Spring Show & Fall BBQ/Auction. www.radioace.com

Delaware Valley Historic Radio Club (DVHRC). DVHRC PO Box 5053, New Britain, PA 18901. Pub: The Oscillator, monthly. Dues: $20. Monthly meetings with swap meet in July. Sponsors twice-yearly Kutztown Radio Show (May and September.) Web site: www.dvhrc.com

Greater New York Vintage Wireless Association (GNYVWA). Jon Kummer (917) 886-8888 jonk@nyantiqueradio.org. Swap meet first Sunday of the month at Seaford, NY Long Island Rail Road Parking Lot. Web site: www.nyantiqueradio.org

Heartland Antique Radio Association (HLARA). Gene Vickery, 7201 E. 64th St., Tulsa, OK 74133. E-mail: gene.vickery@hlara.org. Dues $15. See website for more info. www.hlara.org

Houston Vintage Radio Association (HVRA). PO Box 31276, Houston, TX 77231-1276. Membership info: Tom Burslem, tomburslem@yahoo.com. Pub: The Grid Leak, bi-monthly. Dues: $20. Monthly meetings and auctions held 4th Saturday of each month. Web site: www.hvra.org

Hudson Valley Antique Radio and Phonograph Society-AWA (HARPS). meets third Friday of the month at the Episcopal Church of Suffern, 65 Washington St., Suffern, NY 10901. Dues $20. Info: https://sites.google.com/site/nyharps/. Dale Cranston (845) 357-1615 dale.cranston@gmail.com

Indiana Historical Radio Society (IHRS). 245 N. Oakland Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46201-3360. Pub: IHRS Bulletin, quarterly. Dues: $15 per year. Quarterly swap meets in various areas of state. www.indianahistoricalradio.org .Check out their group on Facebook.

Iowa Antique Radio Club and Historical Society (IARCHS). Dave Perkins, President. E-mail: spamhole1951@gmail.com. Pub: IARCHS Newsletter, quarterly. Annual Radiofest. www.radio-collector.com

Jacksonville Antique Radio Club. (904) 860-1645, https://jarsradioclub.weebly.com/

Long Island (NY) CW Club (LICWC). Membership $30 per year. E-mail: info@longislandcwclub.org. Web site: www.longislandcwclub.org

Long Island Radio and TV Historical Society (LIRTVHS). 43 Sayville Blvd., Sayville, NY 11782. Membership $25 per year. E-mail: LIRTVHS@gmail.com. Web site: www.lirtvhs.org

Michigan Antique Radio Club (MARC). Angela Shackleford, membership secretary - ashack@sbcglobal.net. Pub: The Michigan Antique Radio Chronicle, quarterly. Dues: $25 which includes 4 mailed "Chronicles". Two "Vintage Electronics" events per year, the "Expo" mid to late January, the "Extravaganza" early to mid July. Club web site: www.michiganantiqueradio.org

Mid-Atlantic Antique Radio Club (MAARC). Steve McAllister, 3903 Norwalk Place, Bowie, MD 20716. E-mail: mcallister3903@comcast.net. Pub: Radio Age, monthly. Dues: $24. Monthly meetings. www.maarc.org

Mid-South Antique Radio Collectors (MSARC). Terry Layman, 130 Saint Margaret Dr., Lexington, KY 40502. E-mail: layvinrad@twc.com. Meets last Saturday in April and October. Check out their group on Facebook.

Military Radio Collectors Association (MRCA). Pete Hamersma, PO Box 467, Holderness, NH 03245. www.mrca.ar88.net

Military Radio Collector's Group (MRCG). John Castorina, 675 Dana Dr., Santa Paula, CA 93060. E-mail: boatanchor@martasystems.com. Web Site: www.mrcgwest.org.

Museum of Broadcast Communications. 360 N. State St., Chicago, IL 60654. Dues: $30. (312) 245-8200. Web site: www.museum.tv.

Museum of Radio & Technology. 1640 Florence Ave., Huntington, WV 25701. Museum web site: www.mrtwv.org. Museum inventory web site: https://inventory.mrtwv.org

National Capital Radio & Television Museum. Quarterly Publication: Dials & Channels. Membership dues: $25 per year. Contact: www.ncrtv.org or 301-390-1020.

National Electronics Museum (NEM). 1745 West Nursery Rd., Linthicum, MD 21090. (410) 765-0230. History of the Nation's Defense Electronics. Web: www.nationalelectronicsmuseum.org.

New England Vintage Electronics Club (NEVEC). Info: (603) 772-7516. Bruce Phillips - Past President. Pub: Radio and Vintage Electronics News, quarterly. Dues: $6/year by internet. Three swap meets a year in March, May, and September. Web site: www.nevec.org or www.nearc.net.

New Jersey Antique Radio Club (NJARC). Richard Lee - President (914) 589-3751 president@njarc.org. Membership: Marsha Simkin, 33 Lakeland Dr., Barnegat, NJ 08005. Meetings are the 2nd Friday of the month from 7pm to 10pm alternating between Info Age, 2201 Marconi Rd., Wall Township, NJ 07719 and Bowen Hall, Princeton University. Monthly newsletter "The Jersey Broadcaster". Dues $25. 3 swap meets and 4 repair clinics a year. December holiday party. Info: www.njarc.org

New Mexico Radio Collectors Club (NMRCC). Contact Ron Monty - ronmonty@comcast.net. Pub: New Mexico Radio Collectors Club Newsletter, monthly. Dues: $20. Annual Sale & Show and monthly meetings. http://www.newmexicoradiocollectorsclub.com/

Niagara Frontier Wireless Association (NFWA). Gary Parzy, 135 Autumnwood, Cheektowaga, NY 14227. Regional meets. Display at the Amherst Museum, Amherst, NY. Web site: www.nfwa.net.

Northland Antique Radio Club (NARC). PO Box 18362, Minneapolis, MN 55418. Pub: The NARC Newsletter, four/year. Dues: $12. Four meets (including 2 swap meets) per year and Radio Daze event. www.northlandantiqueradioclub.com.

Northwest Vintage Radio Society (NWVRS). Pat Kagi, PO Box 82379, Portland, OR 97282-0379. E-mail: NWVRS@yahoo.com. Pub: The Call Letter, monthly. Dues: $25 a year. Monthly meetings. www.nwvrs.org.

Oklahoma Vintage Radio Collectors, OK City Chapter (OKVRC). Jim Collings, jrcradio@cox.net, PO Box 50625, Midwest City, OK 73140-5625. Pub: OKVRC Broadcast News, monthly. Dues: $15 per year. Monthly meetings, spring and fall swap meets.http://www.okvrc.org

Pittsburgh Antique Radio Society, Inc. (PARS). Chris Wells, 110 Fawn Valley Dr., McMurray, PA 15317. (724) 942-1113. Pub: The Pittsburgh Oscillator, quarterly. Dues: $15. There are 8 meets a year including the April Tri State Radio Fest. Web site: www.pittsburghantiqueradiosociety.org

Puget Sound Antique Radio Association (PSARA). PO Box 7567, Tacoma, WA 98417. Contact Linda Glaspey (425) 478-3643. Pub: The Horn of Plenty, monthly. Dues: $25 per year. Meets 12 noon on the 3rd Sunday of each month (second Sunday in June & December) at the Cedar Valley Grange Hall, Lynwood, WA Annual swap meet in August.www.pugetsoundantiqueradio.com

Radio Club of America (RCA). 4248 Park Glen Road, Minneapolis, MN 55416. (952) 928-4651. Founded in 1909, the RCA is the longest established group of wireless communications specialists in the world. Annual banquet every November. Web site: www.radioclubofamerica.org

Radio Enthusiasts of Puget Sound (REPS). REPS Membership, 17334 Densmore Ave. N, Shoreline, WA 98133. Pub: Air Check, 9 times a year. Dues: $20 per year. Monthly meetings, annual Radio Showcase. www.repsonline.org

Southeastern Antique Radio Society (SARS). Rich Rodgers, President, 113 Laurel Ridge Dr., Alpharetta, GA 30004. Pub: Newsletter, quarterly. Dues: $16. Spring, Fall and Winter swap meets. Monthly dinner meetings, 2nd Monday of each month, in Norcross, GA. www.sarsradio.com

Southern California Antique Radio Society (SCARS). Jim Garrett, 15621 Fox Hills St., Westminster, CA 92683. (714) 891-1689. wa6yos@juno.com. Pub: SCARS Gazette, quarterly. Dues: $20. Web site: www.antiqueradios.org

Texas Antique Radio Club (TARC). Ed Engelken, 680 Lake Forest, Canyon Lake, TX 78133. Pub: Lone Star Waveform, monthly. Monthly meetings. Check out their group on Facebook.

Tidewater Antique Radio and Phonograph Association (TARPA). Barry Callis, 3689 N. Landstown Rd., Virginia Beach, VA 23456. (757) 427-9667. E-mail: betty3689@aol.com. Meets last Tuesday of each month at the Mary Pretlow Library. Check out their group on Facebook.

Vintage Radio & Communications Museum (VRCM). 115 Pierson Ln., Windsor, CT 06095. (860) 683-2903. www.vrcmct.org

Vintage Radio & Phonograph Society (VRPS). PO Box 165345, Irving, TX 75016. Pub: The Soundwaves is published quarterly. Dues: $20.00 annually. Monthly meetings, swap meets, Spring auction, annual convention. More information at www.vrps.org

Wisconsin Antique Radio Club, Inc. (WARCI). Nick Tillich, E-mail: president@warci.org. Check web site for swap meet dates. Annual dues: $15. Web Site: www.warci.org


(A.R.C. would like to hear about other international antique radio clubs.)

Australia: Historical Radio Society of Australia (HRSA). Membership Secretary, PO Box 7081, Spring Gully, Victoria 3550, Australia. Pub: Radio Waves, quarterly. Dues: $50 Australian. Monthly Meetings. Web site: https://hrsa.org.au/

Australia: Historical Wireless Society of South East Queensland (HWS of SEQ). Pub: Wireless Review, quarterly. Membership: membership@hws.org.au. Web Site: www.hws.org.au

Australia: Vintage Radio Club of North Eastern Victoria. Meetings 4th Saturday of the month. Alternate between R.I.S.E. Special Needs Centre, Shepparton, Vic. and Uniting Chruch Benalla Vic. (no December meeting). Info: Marcus Chick, PO Box 637, Wangaratta, Vic 3676. 03 5725 3276. chickmbv@bigpond.com

Australia: Australia Vintage Radio Society Inc. Monthly meetings, workshops, tech. assistance, etc. Bi-monthly newsletter. Overseas memberships are $35pa + $5 joining fee. AVRS Secretary, PO Box 3099, Syndal LPO, Victoria, Australia 3150. Web: www.avrs.org.au

Belgium: Belgische Radio Club. Francois Marschang, Kromvendreef 53, B-2900, Schoten, Belgium.

Belgium: Vlaamse Liefhebbers Van Der Historiche Radiotechniek (VLHR). Rudi Sillen, Limberg 31, B-2230, Herselt, Belgium. Pub: Retro-Radio, quarterly. Dues: $20.

Bosnia: Radio Historijsko Udruzenje Jelah. Web site: http://www.zedoturizam.ba/index.php/en/2016-02-12-11-23-39/cultural-and-artistic-associations/item/915-radio-historijsko-udruzenje-jelah.

Brazil: Antique Radios in Brazil. João Mello, PO Box 101, São Roque, Brazil 18130-000.

Canada: Canadian Vintage Radio Society (CVRS). CVRS, 4757 London Green, Delta, BC V9K 4X1, Canada. membership@canadianvintageradio.com. Newsletter is available in PDF format from the CVRS website. See web site for dues. www.canadianvintageradio.com

Alberta Chapter: Rick Williams

Atlantic Network: Kevin Christopher

BC Lower Mainland Chapter: Ken Patenaude - 604-856-0253

Manitoba Network: Grant Sesak

Ontario Golden Horseshoe Network: Dave Chamberlain

Saskatchewan Network: Doug Parker

Vancouver Island (VI) Chapter: Gerry O'Hara 604-671-6062

Canada: Society for the Preservation of Antique Radio in Canada (SPARC). Bruce Winter, 4757 London Green Pl., Delta, BC V4K4X1 Canada E-mail: winter@dcnet.com. Pub: Periodic newsletters. Dues: $20. Annual open house and show, periodic shows and displays, and museum.www.sparcradio.ca/.

Canada, Ontario: London Vintage Radio Club (LVRC). Davd Noon, 19 Honeysuckle Crescent, London, ON N5Y4P3, Canada E-mail: va3dn@execulink.com. Pub: LVRC Newsletter "The Loudspeaker," bimonthly. Dues: $15 Canadian. Six meetings yearly. www.lvrc.homestead.com/index.html

Canada, Ontario: Ottawa Vintage Radio Club (OVRC). Lea Barker, barker@ca.inter.net. Pub: OVRC. Monthly meetings. www.ovrc.org

Canada, Ontario: Ontario Vintage Radio Association (OVRA). Ted Catton. http://www.ovra.ca/

Canada, British Columbia: Antique Radio Club of Victoria, BC. Meets 3rd Wednesday of the month at Pluto's, 1150 Cook St., Victoria, BC 7:00pm to 8:30pm. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/VicRadioGroup/

Canada, Quebec: Quebec Society for Vintage Radio Collectors (QSVRC). SQCRA, Daniel Labelle, 538 Judd, St-Eustache, Quebec, Canada J7R 4N8. Pub: Radiophilie Quebec, bimonthly.www.sqcra.org

Czech Republic: Historicy Radioclub Ceskoslovensky (HRCS). Nadrazni 1394/53, CZ 589 01 Trest. Pub: Radiojournal, 3 per year. Meetings: 4 per year. Dues: 25 Euro/Year. Web: www.radiojournal.cz

England: British Vintage Wireless Society (BVWS). Mike Barker, Pound Cottage, Coate, Devizes, Wiltshire SN10 3LG, England. Pubs: BVWS Bulletin, quarterly; BVWS Newsletter, five times/year. Dues: £25. Meetings and swap. www.bvws.org.uk

England: Eddystone User Group (EUG). Online only. Web Site: www.eddystoneusergroup.org.uk/

Finland: Finish Radio Society - Suomen Radiohistoriallinen Seura ry (SRHS). PO Box 32, FI-40101 Jyvaskyla, Finland. Publication: Radiot, Amateur Radio Station: OG6M. Museum: www.radiomuseo.fi, Web site: www.radiohistoria.fi

France: Association des Amis du Musée de l'Electro-Acoustique les Radiophiles Français (A.E.A.). Jean-Claude Montagné, President, 35 rue Salvador Allende, F92220, Bagneux, France. Pub: Bulletin of the A.E.A. Dues: $46.www.net1901.org/association/LES-AMIS-DU-MUSEE-DE-LELECTROACOUSTIQUE-A.E.A.-LES-RADIOPHILES-FRANCAIS,1175536.html.

France: Club Histoire et Collection Radio (CHCR). Mr David Zeller, 7 rue Andre Malraux, 54120 BACCARAT, France. Pub: Radio Passion, quarterly. Library. Annual international radio fair each first Saturday of May in 68340 Riquewihr. Web site: www.chcr.fr

France: Radiofil. Jean-Paul Delattre, Secretaire general, 2 Rue de la Clairiere, 54425, Pulnoy, France. Email: secretaire-general@radiofil.com. Pub: Radiofil Magazine, 6 issues/year. Dues: euro 39/year. http://www.radiofil.com

Germany: Gesellschaft der Freunde der Geschichte des Funkwesens e.V. (German Society of Wireless History, Germanys largest radio and tube collectors and historians association with app. 2500 members) Publication: Funkgeschichte, bimonthly, many events, website: www.gfgf.org

Hungary: Hungarian Radio Collectors Club: Laszlo Koger, H-8900 Szekesfehervar Sajo U 9. Meetings twice a year, bi-monthly news. www.radio-muzeum.hu/.

Ireland: Irish Vintage Radio & Sound Society. Info: www.irishvintageradio.com.

Israel: Antique Radio and Broadcasting Museum. Museum in Tel-Aviv. Bruno Pinto, 24 Remez St., #7, Tel-Aviv, Israel 62192

Italy: Associazione Italiana per la Radio d'Epoca (A.I.R.E.). Nerio Neri, President, Museo della Comunicazione, via de Ricasoli 22, 52100 Arezzo, Italy. Pub: La Scala Parlante, bimonthly. Web site: http://www.aireradio.org/

Japan: Antique Wireless Club (AWC). Noriyoshi Tezuka, JA1NTF, Secretary AWC, Telephone: +81-45-949-3195, Kagahara 1-24-6-115, Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama 224-0055, Japan. Monthly meetings and newsletter. E-mail: n-tezuka@pop16.odn.ne.jp. Web site: http://blog.goo.ne.jp/vrc-tezuka

Japan: Japan Radio Museum. www.japanradiomuseum.jp/gaiyou.html.

Netherlands: Nederlandse Vereniging voor de Historie van de Radio (NVHR). Utrechtstraat 14, 5751 AG Deurne, The Netherlands. www.nvhr.nl

New Zealand: New Zealand Vintage Radio Society (NZVRS). David Crozier, PO Box 13873, Onehunga, Auckland 1643, New Zealand. NZVRS Bulletin, quarterly, monthly meetings. Dues: $15.www.nzvrs.pl.net

Norway: The Norwegian Radiohistoric Society. Mekanikerveien 32, N-0683 Oslo, Norway. Pub.: Hallo Hallo, quarterly. Dues: $40. Regular meetings every Tuesday Auctions - a couple of times per year. www.nrhf.no

Romania: Pro Radio Antic. Web site: www.proradioantic.ro

South Africa: Antique Wireless Association of Southern Africa.Web site: www.awasa.org.za/

Spain: Spanish Vintage Wireless Club (Associacio Cultural Amicos de la Radio). Rei Jaume, 55, 08840 Cardedeu, Spain. Web site: http://rt00117m.eresmas.net/amg-2.htm

Sweden: The Radio History Society of West Sweden. Anders Carlssons, Gata 2, SE-417 55 Gothenburg, Sweden. Pub: Audionen. Amateur radio station: SK6RM. Museum: http://www.radiomuseet.se. E-mail: info@radiomuseet.se

Sweden: Sveriges Radio Historiska Forening (SRHF). Contact Johan van der Levin: johan@johansoldradios.se. Web site: www.radiohistoriska.se

Switzerland: Club der Radio-und Grammosammler (CRGS). Johannes M. Gutekunst, Lenzhardstrasse 22, 5102 Rupperswil, Switzerland. Quarterly newsletter.http://www.crgs.ch/

Tube Collectors Association. PO Box 636, Ashland, OR 97520 USA. Pub: Tube Collector, 6 times a year. Dues: $20 per year to the US and Canada. See the web site for multiple year dues and foreign membership dues. www.tubecollectors.org. Visit their group page on Facebook.

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Last revised: 2/13/2025

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