From Antique Radio Classified for January 2008
(Copyright 1996-2007 by John V. Terrey - For personal use only.)
As the saying goes, "Variety is the spice of
life." Well, how better to start a New Year than with
a celebration of the tremendous variety in radio
collecting. One way to do that is to take a look at what
is offered at an outstanding meet like ARCI's Radiofest.
It makes you realize that there is plenty of spice in
a radio collector's life.
Daniel Schoo's report and photos attest to the
wide-ranging collector interests on display especially at
a flea market. Dan's meet photos run the gamut of
decades of radio history from a 1920s Magnavox
horn speaker, to 1930s-1940s Art Deco wooden
cathedrals, to later TVs, pocket transistors, and Ham equipment.
A flea market touches on just about everyone's interest.
In addition to a flea market, a major meet has
other standard ingredients in its offerings: an auction,
a banquet, and a contest. But each meet also has
its own character. Radiofest, for example, offers free
admission to the flea market, an appraisal tent open
to the general public, a Ham radio station that
operates throughout the meet, and a Boy Scout merit
badge program, capturing the interest of a possible next
generation of collectors. The boys can actually earn
their badges at the meet. All of these special offerings
add up to variety with a capital "V" and make Radiofest
one of the major shows in the U. S.
Sometimes we're also struck by the infinite
variety in radio history. Dave Crocker diverged from his
usual pursuit of Crosley history when he came across
the story of a 1919 Navy contract for four airplanes
intended for World War I use. However, the war ended
before the planes could be put into action; instead, they
were entered into a trans-Atlantic crossing contest.
Only one finished, and Dave credits the radio operator
for the success. You'll be interested in the photo of
the plane's equipment and an identifying schematic.
Good photos always tell even a small story well.
Ian Sanders picked up on the Heathkit IT-28 capacitor checker in the October "Photo Review" and sent
in photos of his three similar sets. Manufacturers
created variety in products with color, in this case, light or dark
front panels.
Color obviously gives variety to a collection.
The turquoise plastic case of an Emerson transistor
portable caught Bob Enemark's eye, and with a little
repair, it made a bright addition to his collection.
Claude Chafin's good photo of a Viscount
1660 multiband portable radio with a description of his
repair job is an example of how a short article can often fill
our bill. Articles need not be pages long to impart
valuable information.
Some of us, of course, don't necessarily
require variety in our collections. Roland Jennings
championed the Thompson "Minuet" Neutrodyne in a 1997
A.R.C. article and still looks for ways to make repair of
these sets easier. In a follow-up, he suggests a
Chidester prefab cone for use by the next generation of restorers.
And some of us, despite the invasion of modern technology into our lives, hang on to the old as long
as possible. Chris Jones describes his exhaustive
effort to mix the old and the new when he was forced
to replace his 27-year old TV. Somehow the audio in
his modern replacement didn't suit, and he put together
a vintage sound system to meet his standards. Now
we know that no matter what new gadget appears,
vintage equipment collectors will carry on.
Speaking of standards, we all have our own, and
for Howard Stone, they involve excellence in
research. That's what he found in Eric Wenaas's book
Radiola: The Golden Age of RCA, and that's what
compelled him to write an unsolicited review. For Howard,
the book is a model for how to go about researching
and writing a book on "this earth-shaking invention."
We appreciate Howard's addition to the praise the
book has already received.
A.R.C. Benefits. Be sure to take advantage
of A.R.C. benefits: a toll-free number (866)
371-0512; Discover, MasterCard, American Express, Visa
accepted; the Web, www.antiqueradio.com; books shipped free in the U. S. by USPS media mail; and
for current subscribers, a 10 percent discount on all
book orders.
Coming Radio Events. The new year begins
with a list of 5 meets, 29 meetings, and 2 auctions. Be sure
to venture out of your winter workshops to attend at
least one of these events.
Happy Collecting and Happy New Year to all!
John V. Terrey, Editor
New in 2008 for A.R.C.
Rates. Our subscription rates have been the
same since 1999 and during that time, mailing,
production, and other costs have continued to increase. We
are finally forced to respond with a rate increase. On
January 1, 2008, U.S. subscriptions by Periodical Mail
will be $45.00; by First Class Mail, $60.00.
The "good" news is that current subscribers
may renew now at the old rates. So, renew now and save.
Foreign rates by air mail will remain the same,
but unfortunately, international periodical surface mail
is no longer offered by the postal service.
Web Site. Changes are being made on our web
site also. To reduce the exposure of our subscribers
to scams, we no longer make ads available to
nonsubscribers. And, we have improvements to our
marketplace in the planning stages and hope to add a
past auction price search capability soon.

Our colorful cover photo taken by Daniel Schoo at Radiofest pictures six of nine plastic Crosley
"Dashboard" radios. The nine were offered as a set in
an antique mahogany bookcase for $3,600 by
Harrison Smith at the flea market. They illustrate that variety
is certainly the theme of a great meet.