From Antique Radio Classified for March 2010
(Copyright 1996-2010 by John V. Terrey - For personal use only.)
Midwinter in New England, Presidents' Weekend, and Valentine's Day -- for A.R.C., all these events add up to the annual radio show that we manage for the Greater Boston Antique Radio Collectors. As I write these "Editor's Comments," we're in the middle of yet another snowstorm, but intrepid collectors that we are, the show this weekend will go on, despite the weather.
And, in fact, just before we go to press next week with this issue, we will know if, as predicted, the weather was clear for a few days. We'll also know if vendors, feeling confident about driving, filled the currently sold-out tables in the hotel ballroom with goods for eager buyers, as well as their overall response to the show.
Though every year we admit to ourselves that it's madness to plan a big show in winter, many tell us that it's the highlight of this often difficult time of year. A full report of the show will appear in a future issue. Meanwhile, we're pleased to carry on a great tradition that spreads the word about the joys of radio collecting.
A very personal tradition is certainly an important part of Richard Majestic's collection -- Grisby-Grunow Majestic sets. No surprise there, considering Richard's surname. He presents a virtual gallery of photos of his Majestic Art Deco sets, some painstakingly restored, some ready for later work. Thanks to Richard for also reminding us that a lag in restoration efforts doesn't preclude our displaying a set and showing its promise for the future.
Speaking of restoration and future promise, Howard Hood's article on a Knight Kit tube checker tells us that restoration work should not be confined to radios only. Sometimes it pays off to restore a piece of equipment that can, in turn, be invaluable in restoring a radio. Test equipment is always available and cheap, and, as demonstrated by Howard's results, worth restoring. You may want to tack his helpful testing hints and the explanation of the two classes of tube checkers above your workbench.
Again on the subject of restoration, an auction is often a place to pick up not only a great find, but also a candidate begging to be restored. Both can be found at many an Estes auction like the one reported in this issue by our indefatigable reporter Ray Chase. Ray perseveres in rain, snow, even excessive heat, as in this April event.
In contrast to the weather, there were no hot radio items, and radio prices were low at $425 and under. However, there were surprises elsewhere, such as broadcast equipment selling at $1,000 plus, two Predicta TVs, and two rebuilt Predicta TV tubes. In short, it pays to show up at auctions where you might bump into both a rare item, or just pick up parts that save that basketcase in the basement.
Even a small event like Nest Egg's fall auction reported by Dave Crocker can yield valuable results. The photo on our cover is a preview of the kind of unusual item that can show up at such an auction. Other interesting items were classic Art Deco and Catalin sets, as well as box lots of parts. There's no question that sometimes lesser known auctions can be a source of bargains for knowledgeable collectors.
Of course, most of us are always in search of bargains, but some collectors may prefer to concentrate on a particular brand or area of collecting. One of the latter, Art Redman continues his research on radios made by Northwest manufacturers. His follow-up article on the Long Radio Works shows that Art would find it hard to resist anything made by a radio company in the Northwest -- in this case, fence chargers. We salute Art and "radio historians" wherever they are.
And wherever you are, we hope you are busy in your workshops and revving up for spring radio events.
A.R.C. Benefits. Be sure to take advantage of A.R.C. benefits: A New Year's Special for subscription discounts; a toll-free number (866) 371-0512; Discover, MasterCard, American Express, Visa accepted; a secure shopping cart on the website, www.antiqueradio.com; for subscribers, a 10 percent discount on all book orders; and the full magazine available on the website. Note: Please do not send credit card info by e-mail. Use our secure website or U.S. Mail, or call or fax.
Coming Radio Events. In March, you can look forward to 3 auctions, 9 meets, and 28 meetings. Those meetings suggest a lot of planning going on for spring events. We'll keep you posted.
Breaking News. Well, now we know. As we go to press two days later, Radio XLI was a success beyond expectation. Attendance was up from last year, sales were brisk, literally no negative comments came our way -- everyone seemed really happy. May all your future meets have such a positive outcome.
Happy Collecting,
John V. Terrey, Editor

Our cover photo was submitted by Dave Crocker with his report on the Nest Egg auction. It is an advertising piece for BPR Whiskies, and the base of the figure reads, "The Baltimore Pure Rye Distilling Co., Dundalk, Maryland." The radio station motif suggests that the designer of the piece was tuning into the radio craze of the 1930s and 1940s. Some Internet research revealed that the Maryland State Archives have a collection of original bottles of BPR Maryland Straight Rye Whiskey. Unfortunately, for whiskey tasters, the Archives' instructions are "Do not circulate."
We regret omitting credit to Sonny Clutter for photos in Art Redman's article on the Cockaday LC27 in the January 2010 issue. Credit is given to Sonny in Art's other article on Hallock and Watson in the same issue.
Antique Radio Classified (ISSN:8750-7471) is published monthly, 12 times per year, by John V. Terrey, 498-A Cross Street, P.O. Box 2, Carlisle, MA 01741. Periodicals postage paid at Carlisle, MA, and additional mailing offices. Telephone: (866) 371-0512, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm ET weekdays; machine answers phone at other times.
Annual subscription rates within the U.S. are $45.00 by Periodicals mail and $60.00 by First Class mail. Annual foreign rates. By air: Canada - $61.00; Mexico - $67.00; Other foreign countries - $105.00. Two-year subscriptions are twice these rates and receive an extra month. Sample issues are available free on request.
Staff: Publisher and Editor: John V. Terrey. Assistant Publisher: Cindie Bryan. Managing Editor: Dorothy Schecter. Advertising Manager: Cindie Bryan. Publishing & Editorial Staff: Ray Bintliff, Dave Crocker, Bobby Lyman. Founding Publisher/Editor: Gary B. Schneider. Contributing Writers & Consultants: Mike Adams, Richard L. Arnold, Richard Begbie, Ray Bintliff, Norman Braithwaite, Ray Chase, Dave Crocker, Dick Desjarlais, Alan Douglas, Richard Foster, Andrew Hayden, Jim Kreuzer, Phil MacArthur, Ron Ramirez, Gary Schneider, Daniel Schoo, Frank White, Walter Worth.
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Antique Radio Classified is published for people involved in the radio collecting hobby. Its purpose is to stimulate growth of the hobby through the buying, selling and trading of radios and related items, and to provide a monthly forum for the interchange of ideas and information.