From Antique Radio Classified for June 2010
(Copyright 1996-2010 by John V. Terrey - For personal use only.)
As we prepared to go to press with the June issue, I realized that it was not just another day at the office. Every June marks a special anniversary for A.R.C -- this one is number 26 and that's a long record of service to the antique radio collecting community. Year after year, we have not only published original, wide-ranging articles, but also spread the word about your club events, businesses, museums, and all things radio. I have been fortunate to be at the helm of A.R.C. for almost 24 of those 26 years; in fact, I calculated that I have edited 286 of the 311 issues of A.R.C. Could a dedicated antique radio collector have a better job?
As for my current staff, they too began to make calculations and decided that they had "grown up" with A.R.C. (or was it "grown old"?). Bobby Lyman gets the longevity prize for 22 years of managing book sales and handling various clerical jobs. Managing Editor Dorothy Schecter clocks in at 20 years of writing articles, editing the many articles you contribute, and urging you to produce more of them.
The "young 'un" in the group is Assistant Publisher and Advertising Manager Cindie Bryan who counts 16 years, during which she has also married and had two children. Longtime article contributor and technical advisor Ray Bintliff ticks off 16 years as well.
We are all grateful for your support during these difficult economic times when we have offered various responses to the challenge of the Internet. Among them are enhanced offerings on the Web, as well as subscription specials and a Web-only subscription for the first time. We urge you to renew, if you haven't already done so, and get a buddy to join you.
Our latest Web innovation is a searchable auction price data base, which includes nearly 20,000 prices for almost 100 auctions over the past ten years. Check it out -- we'd like to know what you think.
New technology aside, we also enjoy participating in the old events that bring us together. Dorothy Schecter reports on Radio XLI, the 41st annual meet of the Greater Boston Antique Radio Collectors in Westford, Mass., hosted by A.R.C. By all accounts, it was a success with over 500 atttending and a lot of positive feedback from vendors and buyers alike.
This assessment was confirmed by Marc Ellis, Editor of The AWA Journal, who, we are pleased to say, took the time while on a New England trip to attend the event. Furthermore, Marc summarized his impressions in an AWA Journal article, which is reprinted here. Many thanks to Marc and AWA.
Auctions are another way to bring us together. Ray Chase reminds us that even small ones like Alderfer can be valuable. Many box lots that can replenish your workshop make such auctions worth noting.
Also worth noting might be a later model console, even though your primary interest is in early items. Daniel Schoo tells a great personal story about restoring a 1964 GE RC-1671A radio/phonograph to fill his father's wish to play his old recordings. The restored GE was good news for both Dan's dad and for us in the resulting article and photos of the restoration process.
Another great personal story is recounted by Jerry Katz in his article about how his radio collecting hobby helped build his hardware business. Jerry attributed his success to his collaboration with the late Tom Romano, a master at restoration.
A different kind of collaboration resulted in our cover and a short accompanying article by John McCarty, a collector and restorer, and his artist son Matt. Matt had grown up with the Zenith console in their living room, as well as with his dad's radio activities. The result -- an illustration from what could be the family album.
A.R.C. Benefits. Be sure to take advantage of A.R.C. benefits: a Spring Special for subscription discounts; a toll-free number (866) 371-0512; Discover, MasterCard, American Express, Visa accepted; for current subscribers, a 10 percent discount on all book orders; and on the website, www.antiqueradio.com, a secure shopping cart, a searchable auction price data base, and full magazine PDFs. Note: Please do not send credit card info by e-mail. Use our secure website or U.S. Mail, or call or fax.
Coming Radio Events. June means multiple radio activities. Be sure to get to at least one of the 10 meets, 3 auctions, and 26 meetings listed this month.
Happy Collecting!
John V. Terrey, Editor

Our cover ilustration is an original pen and ink drawing by artist Matt McCarty, son of John McCarty, a longtime collector and A.R.C. subscriber.
Here is a larger version of the cover image.
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Antique Radio Classified (ISSN:8750-7471) is published monthly, 12 times per year, by John V. Terrey, 498-A Cross Street, P.O. Box 2, Carlisle, MA 01741. Periodicals postage paid at Carlisle, MA, and additional mailing offices. Telephone: (866) 371-0512, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm ET weekdays; machine answers phone at other times.
Annual subscription rates within the U.S. are $45.00 by Periodicals mail and $60.00 by First Class mail. Annual foreign rates. By air: Canada - $61.00; Mexico - $67.00; Other foreign countries - $105.00. Two-year subscriptions are twice these rates and receive an extra month. Sample issues are available free on request.
Staff: Publisher and Editor: John V. Terrey. Assistant Publisher: Cindie Bryan. Managing Editor: Dorothy Schecter. Advertising Manager: Cindie Bryan. Publishing & Editorial Staff: Ray Bintliff, Dave Crocker, Bobby Lyman. Founding Publisher/Editor: Gary B. Schneider. Contributing Writers & Consultants: Mike Adams, Richard L. Arnold, Richard Begbie, Ray Bintliff, Norman Braithwaite, Ray Chase, Dave Crocker, Dick Desjarlais, Alan Douglas, Richard Foster, Andrew Hayden, Jim Kreuzer, Phil MacArthur, Ron Ramirez, Gary Schneider, Daniel Schoo, Frank White, Walter Worth.
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All correspondence should be sent to:
A.R.C., P.O. Box 2, Carlisle, MA 01741.
Only UPS, FedEx, etc. items to street address: 498-A Cross Street.
Telephone: (866) 371-0512; Fax: (978) 371-7129
E-mail: ARC@antiqueradio.com -- Web: www.antiqueradio.com
The publisher is not responsible for any buying and selling transactions incurred, or for any other use of the contents of this publication. Antique Radio Classified subscription rates, frequency of publication, content, policies, size and ad details, and rates are subject to change at any time by A.R.C. Unless other arrangements are made: (1) All received materials (ads, articles, letters, correspondence, e-mail, photos, artwork, etc.) become the property of A.R.C., may be edited, combined with other material, published, and will not be returned. (2) For all received materials, A.R.C. is granted publishing and reprint rights in all forms of media including the monthly printed magazine, internet, etc. See the June 2009 issue for additional policies and advertising rates.
© Copyright 2009 by John V. Terrey.
If A.R.C. inadvertently has infringed on a copyright, A.R.C. will pay an appropriate usage fee when notified.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Antique Radio Classified, P.O. Box 2, Carlisle, MA 01741.
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Antique Radio Classified is published for people involved in the radio collecting hobby. Its purpose is to stimulate growth of the hobby through the buying, selling and trading of radios and related items, and to provide a monthly forum for the interchange of ideas and information.