From Antique Radio Classified for July 2010
(Copyright 1996-2010 by John V. Terrey - For personal use only.)
Stop! Don't jump to conclusions before you look carefully through this issue. Yes, we have cut the number of pages, but we have not cut the content that is important to you.
In the name of cost and efficiency, we have made the following changes: (1) Removed the two rates and policies pages, transferring the most pertinent details to the "Table of Contents" page and the full text to the Web. (2) Although we continue to sell books, we removed most of our in-house book advertising pages. Go to the Web for the full list, or call for information. (3) Reformatted the "Coming Radio Events" pages so that the same information will appear on fewer pages. (4) Dropped the color cover, a difficult decision, but we hope to bring it back for special occasions.
What remains are the same elements that have always been the core of this publication-- articles, classified ads, and other information important to radio collecting and preservation. As a result of these changes, we have passed the savings on to you in the form of permanently reduced subscription rates. Unfortunately, we find that we have to eliminate one subscriber benefit -- the 10 percent discount on books and free shipping.
In making these changes, we continue to adapt to the evolving environment of the publishing business. We know that A.R.C. is not alone in this struggle when Newsweek goes up for sale and Gourmet, a major food magazine, goes under. Some magazines have gone to Web-only publication; others, like us, try to do both; all of us, big and small, try to meet the needs of our readership, while making ends meet. We rely on your support to do just that.
Strong support is also rendered by contributors of articles. In that regard, longtime readers will recognize the name Howard Stone, author of our lead article on his prized wireless sets as they appear on his new website. Howard's contributions go back to 1988 and a series of articles on his British crystal sets. Now retired, he continues his long commitment to radio preservation. High praise is due for his efforts -- and for taking up the challenge of modern technology.
Praise too is due Norman Mueller who went several extra miles to trace the history of his Ozarka-Harbert set. A little research in my own Ozarka archives revealed how much the Ozarka Company did to encourage individual entrepreneurship in the sale of its products. The pitch was "We make it impossible for you to fail," and Norman certainly did not fail in his search.
Failure is not in Jerry Wieland's lexicon when it comes to restoration projects. He too had a company name mystery -- Freed-Eisemann or Earl -- to solve, and then he had to meet the challenge of restoring a unique speaker. A true preservationist like Jerry gets as close to the original as possible.
That same uncompromising spirit struck me when we received Joseph Jackson's photo of a Zenith console jammed into his sports car for a ninety mile trip home from a flea market. No doubt Joseph would have found a way even if he had traveled via bicycle!
Our traveling auction reporter Ray Chase finds a way to ferret out even the small auctions, if they offer sets worth the trip. The Fada Catalin and the Emerson Mickey Mouse at the Clinton Gallery auction in Pennsylvania attracted serious collectors. Ray's note about the mice nests in some of the sets is a reminder of our most important crusade -- to get collectors to take care of their sets.
A.R.C. Benefits. Be sure to take advantage of A.R.C. benefits: a toll-free number (866) 371-0512; Discover, MasterCard, American Express, Visa accepted; a secure shopping cart on the website, www.antiqueradio.com; a searchable auction price database, now over 25,000 entries; and the full magazine with color photos available on the website. Note: Please do not send credit card info by e-mail. Use our secure website or U.S. Mail, or call or fax.
Coming Radio Events. Summer events are in full swing. Listed this month are 27 meetings, 10 meets; and 6 auctions. Enjoy!
Happy Collecting!
John V. Terrey, Editor

Our cover this month is a 1930s one-cent postcard advertising the Economy Radio Service. It is from the John V. Terrey collection. The service warns that the most costly repairs they undertake are on sets some amateur has tried to "fix." On the reverse side of the card are "Words of Wisdom" -- "When the ship has sunk, everyone knows how she might have been saved."
Lower/New Permanent Subscription Rates
Periodicals Mail | $45 | $36 |
1st Class Mail | $60 | $48 |
To Canada | $61 | $50 |
To Mexico | $67 | $60 |
Other Foreign | $105 | $70 |
6-months Trial | $24 | $20 |
12-Months Web-Only --- $30
Order From Our Secure Website:
Or, Call Us Toll Free At (866) 371-0512
Or, Fax Us At (978) 371-7129
Or, Write Us at:
A.R.C., P.O. Box 2, Carlisle, MA 01741
Antique Radio Classified (ISSN:8750-7471) is published monthly, 12 times per year, by John V. Terrey, 498-A Cross Street, P.O. Box 2, Carlisle, MA 01741. Periodicals postage paid at Carlisle, MA, and additional mailing offices. Telephone: (866) 371-0512, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm ET weekdays; machine answers phone at other times.
Annual subscription rates within the U.S. are $45.00 by Periodicals mail and $60.00 by First Class mail. Annual foreign rates. By air: Canada - $61.00; Mexico - $67.00; Other foreign countries - $105.00. Two-year subscriptions are twice these rates and receive an extra month. Sample issues are available free on request.
Staff: Publisher and Editor: John V. Terrey. Assistant Publisher: Cindie Bryan. Managing Editor: Dorothy Schecter. Advertising Manager: Cindie Bryan. Publishing & Editorial Staff: Ray Bintliff, Dave Crocker, Bobby Lyman. Founding Publisher/Editor: Gary B. Schneider. Contributing Writers & Consultants: Mike Adams, Richard L. Arnold, Richard Begbie, Ray Bintliff, Norman Braithwaite, Ray Chase, Dave Crocker, Dick Desjarlais, Alan Douglas, Richard Foster, Andrew Hayden, Jim Kreuzer, Phil MacArthur, Ron Ramirez, Gary Schneider, Daniel Schoo, Frank White, Walter Worth.
CONTACTING Antique Radio Classified.
All correspondence should be sent to:
A.R.C., P.O. Box 2, Carlisle, MA 01741.
Only UPS, FedEx, etc. items to street address: 498-A Cross Street.
Telephone: (866) 371-0512; Fax: (978) 371-7129
E-mail: ARC@antiqueradio.com -- Web: www.antiqueradio.com
The publisher is not responsible for any buying and selling transactions incurred, or for any other use of the contents of this publication. Antique Radio Classified subscription rates, frequency of publication, content, policies, size and ad details, and rates are subject to change at any time by A.R.C. Unless other arrangements are made: (1) All received materials (ads, articles, letters, correspondence, e-mail, photos, artwork, etc.) become the property of A.R.C., may be edited, combined with other material, published, and will not be returned. (2) For all received materials, A.R.C. is granted publishing and reprint rights in all forms of media including the monthly printed magazine, internet, etc. See the June 2009 issue for additional policies and advertising rates.
© Copyright 2009 by John V. Terrey.
If A.R.C. inadvertently has infringed on a copyright, A.R.C. will pay an appropriate usage fee when notified.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Antique Radio Classified, P.O. Box 2, Carlisle, MA 01741.
Printed in U.S.A.
Antique Radio Classified is published for people involved in the radio collecting hobby. Its purpose is to stimulate growth of the hobby through the buying, selling and trading of radios and related items, and to provide a monthly forum for the interchange of ideas and information.