Antique Radio Classified
A.R.C.--The National Publication For Buyers And Sellers
Of Old Radios And Related Items--Published Monthly



From Antique Radio Classified for February 2001
(Copyright 1996-2000 by John V. Terrey - For personal use only.)

"Antique Radio Classified" invites its readers to contribute letters and information for inclusion in "Radio Miscellanea" and elsewhere in the magazine. "In The Marketplace" is based on information submitted by the businesses themselves. All topics should be of general interest and sent to A.R.C., P.O. Box 2, Carlisle, MA 01741. All material submitted should be verified for accuracy and may be edited for publication, which is not guaranteed. See the masthead for more details.

More BC-148 Memories
Dear Editor:

The article in the October 2000 issue about the BC-148 brought back memories. During Army maneuvers in Tennessee in the spring of 1941, I was a private in the 102nd Combat Engineers, an old unit formed in New York City before World War I. We were a federalized National Guard unit before World War II. Based in Anniston, Alabama, we went on maneuvers all through southern Tennessee and over into Arkansas.

As a result of my interest in radio as a kid, I suggested to my captain that, instead of soldiers running paper messages from unit to unit, we should ask for radio equipment. Later, I was appalled to see a Signal Corps technician with a suitcase radio and a triangular loop antenna.

I think the unit that he had was not a BC-148 -- it was much cruder. Ham radio operators had more sophisticated equipment. The modern cell phone and CB equipment is a far cry from that era.

--Alton A. DuBois, Queensbury, NY

Why I love A.R.C.
Dear Editor:

I was born in 1931, so radio is a main part of my life. But, because I was born in Chile and because of Chile's unusual geography, radio meant something different from radio in other countries. Chile is bordered by the sea on the west and a high cordillera on the east, and thus, was not easily reached by stations from the rest of the radio world. Also, the rich mineral composition of its soil made it almost impossible to obtain full communications between our cities, except by a national "chain" of linked radio stations. So, radio was almost a miracle in Chile, and picking up a Buenos Aires radio station broadcasting tangos in Santiago was something the neighborhood talked about for months. How different from what the Internet offers today!

My father, a radio fanatic, had some kind of sense of touch, a softness that I never knew, but I saw it in his hands and eyes when he got the station he wanted. Those memories of the magic power in my father's fingers operating those black knobs -- something the Internet doesn't have -- was the best part of my radio experience. There was my old man trying to capture from the ether the World War II news from London or Moscow during those years of deep Fascist risk.

--L. Carrasco, Toronto, Ontario

Great Victor Article
Dear Editor:

I thoroughly enjoyed Doug Houston's article on the Victor RE-75-A in the December 2000 A.R.C. I found it extremely educational, as information on this radio is hard to find. I am restoring a Victor RE-75, and in particular, I need a dial scale, original or repro. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks for a great article.

--Bill Redner, Marlton, NJ

Universal Tombstone ID
Dear Editor:

Regarding the Universal 32-volt tombstone pictured in the January 2001 A.R.C., I have an identical set in my collection. My cabinet has a label which reads, "W. G. 24 Series 6B." The W. G. suggests Wells-Gardner. I know that this company made radios for mail order companies.

I searched Rider manuals and found in Volume VII a radio listed under the Universal Battery Company. It was a 32-volt farm radio, but the tube complement was different. I went to Volume VI, and found nothing under Universal. However, under Wells-Gardner, I found the identical chassis with the same tubes, and the block diagram matched the tube placement. It was listed as Models 26B1 and 26B5, Chassis 6B -- the same 6B on the label inside the wood cabinet of my Universal set.

--Larry G. Seyler, Kettering, OH

On Meet and Auction Reports

Kudos and Comments
Dear Editor:

Thanks for your good service. The December Santa cover greeting card was very nice, as well as appropriate. The articles are great, but I find the auctions boring. The only items of interest to me are those I would bid on if I were there, and prices seem unrealistic on both the high and low sides.

I agree that meets are far superior than eBay for a radio collector. The camaraderie with fellow radiophiles at a meet is really fun, and it is usually a learning experience. I bring my problems and discuss them with the "experts." Quite often their solutions end bad situations for me and save much brain turmoil. Really amazing is the gamut of personalities there. Best of all, we are all equals in our love of radios and their history.

So, long live meets, and may those using eBay realize that the almighty dollar is not the only reason for collecting radios.

--Stan Lopes, Concord, CA

Excellent AWA Report
Dear Editor:

Just a short note to let you know that the coverage of the AWA Conference in the November 2000 issue was excellent. I was at the conference and feel that you have given a comprehensive view of the activities. I enjoyed the auction results and especially thought the photographs were of the highest quality and subject matter.

--Jon Kummer, Hicksville, NY

In our Meet and Auction Reports, we try to present something for everyone. As well as the prominent auction listings, the photos of sets can be considered an extension of our "Photo Review." We have been able to show many rare and unusual items that never were submitted for an article or the ‘Photo Review." And, Jon's positive comments, I know, were not at all swayed by the inclusion of his photo in the AWA article. (Editor)


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Copyright © 1996-2001 by John V. Terrey - For personal use only.
Last revised: January 30, 2001.

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