From Antique Radio Classified for August 2002
(Copyright 1996-2002 by John V. Terrey - For personal use only.)
"Antique Radio Classified" invites its readers to contribute letters and information for inclusion in "Radio Miscellanea" and elsewhere in the magazine. "In The Marketplace" is based on information submitted by the businesses themselves. All topics should be of general interest and sent to A.R.C., P.O. Box 2, Carlisle, MA 01741. All material submitted should be verified for accuracy and may be edited for publication, which is not guaranteed. See the masthead for more details.
Another DeForest O-T-3 at Auction
Dear Editor:
In response to your cover photo and writeup in
the July 2002 issue, just to set the record straight, I
bought an O-T-3 at an auction in Centerville, Iowa, about
1975. It was an auction of the estate of a man who had run
a radio repair shop and general store from the 1920s
on. They had moved the sale to an empty store and
the walls were lined with console sets.
It was a 2-day event, and the first night, a lot of
like-new 1920s radio catalogs were sold. There were
about four collectors there, and we had to wait until late
the second day for the radio stuff to come up. Dave
McKenzie bid against me on the O-T-3. Luckily, he already had
one so he quit before I did. The auctioneer wondered
aloud why we wanted that little set so badly. I left about
10:00 p.m. for a 4-hour drive home with my pickup filled.
--Will Jensby, Santa Clara, CA
Considering its Thorn estate auction price of
$5,500, we hope Will still has the set. By the way, Will, would
you disclose the price you paid in 1975? (Editor)
Tab Teapot Tempest
Dear Editor:
The tab seal problem is easily solved. When
opening the book, cut the tabs apart to remove the ends,
and slowly lift them off. Doing it too fast will tear the
page. After they are removed, sprinkle the area with
talcum powder to eliminate the stickiness. Better yet, a
little citrus label remover on a fingertip rubbed on the
spot and wiped off with a paper towel will remove the
glue also.
Why make a tempest in a teapot?
--Alton A. DuBois, Jr., Queensbury, NY
We have subscribers threatening to cancel their subscription over this issue. Speaking of issue, if
you want your issue sans-tabs, subscribe by First
Class Mail. The tabs are on an outer cover wrap and do
not attach to the magazine itself. The USPS requires us
to tab since we prepare our mailings for automation
which speeds up the delivery.... Dare I bring up another
"hot" topic? (Editor)
A.R.C. Helpful
Dear Editor:
I enjoy A.R.C. a lot. It is very helpful to me.
Best regards,
--Gary E. Mayfield, Marquette, KS
More on Wurlitzer & Lyric
Dear Editor,
In Richard Arnold's article in the June 2002 issue,
the photo of the Lyric 546T on page 9 reminded me of a
radio I no longer have. This radio looked identical to the
Lyric. Allied Radio sold a radio in kit form with the same cabinet.
--J. Haynes,
Dear Editor:
You got my attention with the articles on Wurlitzer
by Wally Worth and on Lyric by Richard Arnold in the
June 2002 issue. Both articles were fascinating because
I have two radios in my very modest collection that
are connected to the subject matter. One is a Lyric TRF
floor model, ca. 1929, with two stages of 24-A RF, a
24-A detector, a 27 1st audio, a PP-45 output, and
the ubiquitious 80 rectifier. The words "All American
Corporation" are on the fuse cover, "Lyric" is on the
escutcheon for the drum-style tuning dial, and on the back of
the cabinet is a brass plate advertising "Product of Wurlitzer."
The second set looks like a dead ringer for the
Lyric 546T, except that instead of "Lyric," "Knight"
appears under the tuning pointer. The only other difference
I detect is that it uses the more common 50L6
audio output tube rather than the 50A6 of the 546T. I
had always connected this set with the Knight Kit line
associated with Allied Radio, but I don't know if this set
was a kit radio. I cannot locate a model number on
either radio. Interestingly, the Lyric was acquired in New
York State, about 100 miles from Buffalo, the home of the
All-American Mohawk Co., and I found the Knight set
about the same distance from Chicago, home of Allied
Radio and the later Lyric.
--Larry Szendrei, Gray, ME
"Vision-ola" Anyone?
Dear Editor:
At my wit's end, I turn to you for a clue. I have
an early 1930-ish cathedral, with a very plain
cabinet, and with the name "Vision-ola" on the bezel.
The chassis was made by Columbia. Since there is
no television screen in sight, I figured a Vision-ola
was put out by (a) a practical joker or (b) a
demented inventor. It's not mentioned in any of my
books. Has anyone out there ever heard of such a
--John Breen, Manchester, CT
Article Bonus -- More on Flavoradio
Dear Editor:
I received a real bonus from the
communication that A.R.C. provides. A few days after my
Flavoradio article came out in the June 2002 issue, I got
calls and mail from other collectors who had found undiscovered colors an all-white (vanilla?)
and a 2-tone chocolate front and vanilla back
(fudge ripple?). I find something in every issue of
A.R.C. that expands my collecting interest. Thanks for
the good job.
--Phil MacArthur, Summerland Key, FL
Sometimes writing an article turns into a free full-page ad. Potential writers should take
note. (Editor)