From Antique Radio Classified for September 2002
(Copyright 1996-2002 by John V. Terrey - For personal use only.)
"Antique Radio Classified" invites its readers to contribute letters and information for inclusion in "Radio Miscellanea" and elsewhere in the magazine. "In The Marketplace" is based on information submitted by the businesses themselves. All topics should be of general interest and sent to A.R.C., P.O. Box 2, Carlisle, MA 01741. All material submitted should be verified for accuracy and may be edited for publication, which is not guaranteed. See the masthead for more details.
Diamond Cut Oops and Kudos!
In the July issue of Radio Miscellanea, we
wrote about Tracer Technologies new product, Diamond
Cut 32 Version 4.0, a digital processing program to
eliminate surface noise from old recordings.
Unfortunately, two errors slipped into the text. First, the company
offers a 10-day trial, not a 1-day trial. Second, the
e-mail address is correct in one place and incorrect in another. We apologize
for any inconvenience to readers.
By chance, at the recent Radiofest in Elgin, Ill,
I bumped into Jerry Vanicek of the Tube Collectors
Association who had just completed a project using
the Millennium Edition of Diamond Cut. Jerry had a
1950 recording of Gerald Tyne (author of Saga of the
Vacuum Tube) interviewing George Clark. Jerry had tried all
sorts of audio processing equipment and ultimately found
the Diamond Cut audio processing software. He had
only praise for the product. Tube Collector Association
members will receive the CD along with their December
2002 issue. Others can contact the T.C.A. at PO Box
1181, Medford, OR 97501 or (Editor)
From Paris to Belgrave
Dear Editor:
Enclosed is payment for the excess words in my
2 September 2002 ads. I really enjoyed Dorothy's
article in the August issue about the Old Tyme Radio Centre
in Ontario.
--Charles Harper, Paris KY
We appreciate the payment and the kudos! What struck us about Charles' note is that news about
radios in Belgrave, Ontario, inspired a response from a
collector in Paris, Kentucky. We like to think that A.R.C.
is always making such connections. (Editor)
Technical Article Index Needed
Dear Editor:
I have been a subscriber since the mid-1980s and
have saved all of my A.R.C.s. I like to refer to the
technical articles whenever I acquire a radio that needs attention.
I am having an increasingly difficult time doing this
simply because of the growing volume of information.
For instance, I have been looking for an article
describing socket modifications with a tube substitution for the
very expensive 1L6 used in my Zenith Trans-Oceanic A600.
I know I will eventually find it.
I would be willing to pay a fair price for a CD with
an index of technical articles by subject as well as
yearly downloadable update. I hope you find this
suggestion useful.
--Stan Jennings, Washington Depot, CT
The CD is a good suggestion for our future. And,
an index for A.R.C. through 1999 has been compiled
by Ludwell Sibley. Look for Sibley's Index in the
"Collector Books Available from A.R.C." pages at the back of
your copy of A.R.C.
Regarding a 1L6 substitute, articles on this
subject were included in the January 1997 and March
1998 issues. The simplest solution is to replace the 1L6
with a 1R5, but first carefully cut off pin 5 of the 1R5
very close to the glass. (Editor)
On Women, Old Radios and Friends
Dear Editor:
It seems to me that half of the women I meet
see collecting radios as a messy, pointless, stupid,
guy thing. However, I know if you give up all your
messy stupid, guy things, she'll drop you for being too
pliable. It's an age thing too. Women my age (44) are more
likely to see Depression era stuff as not old enough to
be interesting or representing status. But, my Generation
X friends almost invariably have no awareness such
things even existed until they see my collection and
exhibit slack-jawed wonder. I don't explain as much as I
used to unless prompted, although sometimes I actually
have to say, "This is a TV." If they are in their 20s, they
can't identify such an item.
On the other hand, if they don't like old radios, I
don't like them. Why invite trouble later? Think of it
as "prescreening."
--John Hagman, Burlington, VT
Unsolicated advice: be sure that they "like" you
and "tolerate" old radios. (Editor)
Wants Books on Repair
Dear Editor:
You need to sell more radio repair books, as well
as provide more information on where one can find
parts. I do not collect radios, but am learning to repair them.
All you sell is mostly collector price guides.
--Phillip D. Latham, Horton, AL
On our Collector Books Available from A.R.C.
pages, there are several on repair: Antique Radio
Restoration Guide, 2nd Ed., by Johnson; Fixing Up Nice Old
Radios by Romney; and Old-Time Radios! Restoration
and Repair by Carr. We try to carry whatever books
are available on all aspects of radio. Parts are
available from our advertisers. (Editor)
Put A.R.C. Web Address on Cover!
Dear Editor:
I suggest that you put the e-mail and Web
site addresses on the front and rear of the publication in
a more prominent location, instead of buried in the
text. Also, thanks for your past support of my proposals
for better swap meet management.
--Mark Oppat, Plymouth, MI
We just needed a little push to get our Web site url
on the covers. Thanks! (Editor)