From Antique Radio Classified for December 1999
(Copyright 1996-9 by John V. Terrey - For personal use only.)
It's time to celebrate, not only the holiday season, but also the big news -- our expanded Web site is up! Already the feedback is positive to the new features -- searchable auction prices and classified ads. As the 20th century draws to a close, we can now look forward to serving the radio-collecting community well into the next millennium with this new technology.
A number of you have chosen to move over exclusively to the new medium. Others want only the magazine; still others opt for both. Is there competition here between the two media? Will the new way swallow up the old? We think not.
Instead, the Internet is an opportunity to broaden perspectives -- more people have faster access to answers to their questions, and international barriers have broken down. At the same time, the traditional interpersonal activities, such as--club meets and events, as well as exchanges through the magazine, continue to be enjoyed. It's the best of two worlds. What a great way to step from the old into the new century!
In keeping with the "Age of the Internet," we no doubt will offer more Internet-related articles in the future. This month Dick Desjarlais continues with Part 5 of his WebTV adventures. Now he is able to explore hundreds of antique radio Web sites because he has learned how to search the Web. Those of you who have joined him on WebTV can follow along with him on this journey.
In addition, George Kaczowka offers an account of his experience surfing the expanded A.R.C. Web site. We thought it would be a good idea to give George, a veteran Web designer and user, a preview of the site for evaluation. We're pleased that his response is positive, although he does suggest some improvements. And the A.R.C. editorial staff has put together a summary of what visitors now find on the expanded site.
Such historic times lend themselves to a history article, and fortunately, we had one on hand. Ed Ripley has written a history of the AM broadcasting band, tracing its evolution over the years. He tells the story of well-known stations and the changes in technology and regulation that affected them. For anyone who remembers White's Radio Log, this is a must-read.
It may also be a first to have a "couple contribution" in the pages of A.R.C. We were delighted to discover in our files a Christmas photo contributed by Irene Ripley that seemed to fit neatly into husband Ed's article. Perhaps this is another sign of what's to come in our field -- more partcipation by "radio wives."
Added to Ed's look at the past is Ray Bintliff's look at the future. The article was prompted by Mark Hewitt's letter expressing concern that the world of radio that he knows and loves will be obliterated by digital radio. Ray talks about current digital radio development and offers comfort about the survival of analog technology.
With a name like "Dilco," a follow-up is inevitable. A.R.C. loves feedback that generates follow-ups. When an article results in feedback -- even a seemingly far-out idea -- we try to pull the information--together in a coherent way. In this case, Dick Desjarlais, who wrote the original article in the October 1999 issue, did the job. The result is that we often learn something quite unexpected, such as the fact that Dilco was in the tube manufacturing business.
Photo Review this month suggests that the print version of A.R.C., like the Internet, can also suggest a wider radio-collecting universe. Represented are the U.S., Canada, Austria, and England. Variety too is evident -- a "cube" and a "moon" radio, an exposed-tube radio and an enclosed horn speaker.
Jerry Wieland's restoration article tells how to preserve an original cone speaker, even if the field coil is beyond repair. He describes how to convert it to a permanent magnet speaker.
Two auction reports keep us abreast of auction prices. Rod Mills reports on the auction of a portion of his own collection -- 500 items totalling $15,000. The obvious highlight was the Atwater Kent breadboard Model 10 selling at $1,045. But, a first must have been the $577 paid for a near-new Hickok tube tester, proving again that condition counts.
The Houston Vintage Radio Association (HVRA) continues to host outstanding events. In this auction, the Zenith 5S373 console, selling at $1,300, would normally have been the highlight. However, it was overshadowed by the Philco Predicta No. 4730 "Continental" TV, selling at $1,700.
Chuck Schwark reviews Ray Bintliff's Philco Condensers and More, an updated version of Ray's familiar Philco Bakelite Block Condensers. Chuck says that the book is excellent and should be a constant companion for restorers of vintage Philco radios.
Radio Miscellanea features feedback to articles, plus Web-related suggestions.--Though Shenandoah sounds as if it should be in Virginia, after placing it in Nebraska in the October issue, we have finally placed it correctly in Iowa. And we have received welcome empathy for our recent Web-related implementation woes, as well as high praise for our expanded site.
Coming Radio Events. Over 30 events will take place in the month of December. In addition, our "Mark Your Calendar" section lists 30 events for the year 2000. Old radio collecting will apparently be alive and well in the new century. Try to attend a meet in your area -- perhaps you'll find the right radio for your winter project.
Happy holidays and happy collecting from all of the Antique Radio Classified team -- John, Dorothy, Cindie, Tammy, Bobby, Malaika, Ray and Dave!
John V. Terrey, Editor
![December cover](/images/dec99cover_vsm.jpg)
The illustration on our cover is from a 1920s postcard purchased for $2 at a general antique show. We did not have space for the greeting, "I'm 'standing by' to wish you a Merry Christmas," or for the label, "Whitney-Made, Worcester, Mass." I suggest you keep your eyes open for the boxes of postcards that show up at these events, and be sure to thumb through them--you never know what might be there to enhance your collection.Here is an even larger view of this month's cover.